Jane ElizabethSMITHThe funeral of the late Jane Elizabeth Smith, aged 61 years took place at All Saints Church, Winterton, on Monday 28 October 2019. Rev Alice Nunn officiated at the service and the arrangements were by J Naylor Mourners attending Ellen and Lee Belcher (daughter and son-in-law), Richard Smith (son), Sheila Bingham (sister) also representing Keith Bingham (brother), Bryn and Sue Davies also representing Emma McHale, Dot Davies, Shaun Davies also representing Deborah Davies, Emma and David Collinson, Alice Collinson, Rory and Sherisse Green, Kate Kent, Anna Jenkins, Miriam and Steve Joyce, Peter Marshall, Cindy Joyce also representing Mike, Matthew Joyce also representing Harriet, Eileen McCriaby, Deborah Rose, Richard Connole also representing Nigel, Mrs Glenn, Pauline Stevens, Victoria McCague also representing Andrew, David and Lisa, Margaret, Sylvia Hotchin, Anit, Wells, Sally Swainston, Brian Machin, Pauline Freeman also representing Michael, Louise Francis also representing Diane Johnson, Mr and Mrs B Powell, Mr and Mrs M Hilton, Rex Leaning, Annette Markham also representing Rob, Mr and Mrs M Ogg also representing Chris and Andrew, Mr D Holt also representing S Holt, Michelle Harrison also representing Tim and Keira, Mr and Mrs Housam representing the Housam family, Sarah Hodge, Jo Blamire, Billy Holliday also representing Doreen Holliday, Janet Holland, Colin Brown also representing Ann Raspin and Mavis Jacobs, Sharon Watson, Richard Ogg also representing Ann Carnaby, Janet Ogg also reprenting Gordon, Darren Bingham, Bobbie and Rubie, John Mundy, Ashley Kershaw, Mr and Mrs Bell, Mr and Mrs D Porter, Linda Marsh, Mrs Stocks, Mary Ann Claypole, Pat Jarman, John Hoodless also representing Denise, Bryan Parker, Rachel James, Mrs Brocklehurst, Christine Dawley, Mr and Mrs Gray, Mr and Mrs Collinson, Sheila Wilson, Jane Coulson, Paul Overfield, Belinda Davis, Denise McIntyre, Geoff Cousins rep Simon and Philip Cousins, Deborah and Nikita Brown, Angela Dunkerley also representing Steve and family, Barbara Redhead, Christine Cooper, Les Johnston, Vicky Johnson, Ruth Brocklesby also representing Chris Moore, Marion Adder also representing Wendy Brown, Jill Jones also representing Arthur, Jenny Hill, Amy Atkins, Vivienne Day, Mr and Mrs Campbell, Anne Cowling also representing Reg, Alison Panitz, Cynthia Brown, Gail and Peter Marshall, Chloe Marshall, Joyce and Peter Clay also representing Maggie Hill, Joyce and Christine, Steven Belcher, Linda Ellis, Jo Cliff, Andrew Holliday, Jean Key, Pat Portas, Mr and Mrs Panitz also representing Mr and Mrs Holgarth, Louise Oliver also representing Stephen Horswood, Susan Leaning also representing Mark, Auriel Jackson, Amy Jackson, Denise Braithwaite, Anne and Chris representing the Oldridge family, Sally Jervis also representing Mark and family, Faye Ewen also representing Garry, Valerie Dunderdale, Nancy Bullas, Mr and Mrs S Balderson also representing Mr and Mrs Drinkall, Mick and Linda Cook, Mrs James, Barbara Tuplin also representing Mrs Newman, Noreen Saundby also representing Peter, Bett Fowler, Rene, Clare Donovan
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